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Best Dinner For Weight Loss

Best Dinner For Weight Loss

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"Breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper” is a saying we have heard often. Dinner is blamed for all the unnecessary pounds you put on. You don’t need much energy at night and the extra calories of dinner are converted into fat. You cannot remain hungry at night but dinner can be planned in such a way that it does not pile up weight.
  • Have an early dinner. Eat a couple of hours before bed time so that your body can digest and metabolize whatever you eat.

  • Empty your fridge and pantry of high calorie snacks that tempt you at night. If they are not there, you cannot eat them. Do have some snacking options like carrot sticks and low fat hung curd dip for the times when you simply must have something to eat.

  • Begin your meal with a salad. Prepare a bowl of salad with deserted cucumber, carrots, tomatoes, cabbage and apple and orange segments. You can make it tasty with fat free dressing. You can add a sprinkling of low fat cheese and nuts. Your stomach will be half full before you eat your main meal which is usually high in calories.

  • Choose less of carbohydrates and more of protein for your night meals as protein will make you feel full for a longer period of time. Fish, steamed chicken and boiled eggs are good options. Complex carbohydrates like whole grain, fruits and legumes are better as they are less likely to be stored as fat. Avoid simple carbohydrates like starch and sugar.

  • Substitute herbs for butter and cheese which have a high calorific value so you can indulge in pepper, basil, garlic and lime juice to flavor your food.

  • Limit the number of dishes you cook for dinner. The more dishes there are, the more you will eat as you will want to try them all out and may end up consuming more calories than you intend.

  • Use smaller plates to eat dinner. More food can be served on a large plate and in all probability you will finish the food on your plate adding to your calorie count. On the other hand smaller portions served on a small plate will fill it and your brain can convince your stomach that you have had a satisfactory meal.

  • The last thing you should have at the end of the day is a large glass of cold water. The cold water will bring the body temperature down and the body will burn extra calories to bring the temperature back to normal. This will mean an increase in metabolism. A glass of water will burn around thirty calories.

What is the Best Dinner Food for Weight Loss? 

      For many time-starved Americans, the only answer to the question, “What’s for dinner?” is “What drive-thru is on the way home?” That practically guarantees that you are going to be eating a dinner that will make you – and your family – gain fat.

Drive-thru menus are so overly loaded with fat it is hard to even believe. If there is any one single reason for people to be gaining so much fat so fast, it is fast food.

So the basic answer to the question “what’s the best dinner for weight loss?” is basically anything you cook at home. If you cook your dinners at home you are going to lose at least some weight. However, that isn’t what we want to know, we want to know the absolute best dinners for losing fat fast.

The most important factor in a perfect dinner to lose weight is the balance of protein and carbs: the PC Combo. The PC Combo keeps blood sugar stable so that body fat can continue to be burned. The other factor is low fat – but not zero fat. You want the fats in your dinner to be healthy fats. Therefore the best dinner for weight loss is:

Grilled salmon, brown rice, and arugula salad with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

The grilled salmon is the healthy protein with fat-burning omega-3 healthy fats. Grilling is a low fat and delicious way to prepare the salmon. The brown rice is a slow-fuel carb that keeps you energized while your body burns fat. The arugula salad gives you fiber and vitamins along with more healthy fats and antioxidants from the olive oil.  It would be hard to find a doctor or a nutritionist that doesn't love that meal.

However, salmon isn't the only dinner if you want to lose weight. You can replace the salmon with grilled chicken or filet mignon. You can have roast turkey and mashed potatoes, spaghetti with turkey meat sauce, fish tacos with rice and beans, or chicken teriyaki with grilled veggies and rice.
