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Best Breakfast For Weight Loss

Best Breakfast For Weight Loss

Download The Best Breakfast Cook Book Recipe

      When considering the best breakfast for weight loss one need look no further than the "Sensational Smoothies" e-book that I recently found on the internet. With 180 tested and delicious smoothies designed for weight loss you will have plenty of variety to keep you interested and on track to lose weight. Losing weight may never have been so easy.

Whether you want a lifestyle that stimulates a slim athletic build or just want a flat belly drinking a smoothie is possibly the best breakfast to lose weight that you can find because it is easy to make, tastes great and will promote weight loss, especially if you have recipes from "Sensational Smoothies"

Sensational Smoothies

Burn Calories Faster

When you drink a low calorie smoothie instead of a regular breakfast you will find your metabolism is increased, your energy levels increase and your weight begins to decrease. A smoothie locks all the freshness of the fruit and vegetables in, plus you get the cleansing detoxifying benefit of all the fiber.

The Low Fat Low Calorie Smoothie

Smoothies taste great and help you lose weight but there is a possibility that you could gain weight, if you use the wrong ingredients as some fruits are high in calories and could actually work against your best efforts. To be sure you are getting weight loss benefits together with all the other health benefits available in the best breakfast for weight loss you need to have guide who has tested and developed proven healthy smoothie recipes for weight loss like Olivia Parker, the author of Sensational Smoothies.

The healthy smoothie is the best breakfast for weight loss because with it you will ingest less chemicals and preservatives which you could normally ingest with a regular breakfast. Toxins in your food take a toll on your health which you may not even know about. Health smoothies with all the nutrients and fiber from fresh fruit and vegetables strengthen immune systems and help you stay healthy. It is certain that as you eat healthier through fruit smoothies you will lose weight and your energy levels will go up, you will be able to engage in life on a richer deeper more involved level and that will enrich your life in ways to varied to discuss here.

As you work towards your weight loss goal, the natural benefits to your health that will accrue from a smoothie meal replacement diet will help you sleep better and have a sharper mind. Of course a healthy diet will encourage smooth hydrated skin which means you will have less wrinkles or less noticeable wrinkles. Sensational Smoothie recipes are designed to help you stay hydrated and looking younger longer which is just one more reason for you to act now and get your copy. You'll be glad you did since you'll soon be on your way to a healthier slimmer you.

It's time for you to get the body you crave and start living with confidence, why not give "Sensational Smoothies" a try, all you have to lose is your old tired fat self and all you have to gain is the freedom and confidence you've been unable to attain thus far.

I spend the last two years of my life searching what is the best breakfast for weight loss because I’ve always been a breakfast eater. It gives me a much-needed energy boost—along with a cup of coffee, of course—and it helps me from being so famished at lunch that I end up overeating. 

But eating a morning meal is also a healthy habit if you’re watching your weight. Here’s why: research shows that regular breakfast eaters tend to be leaner and dieters are more successful at losing weight—and keeping it off—when they eat breakfast. What’s more, people who typically eat breakfast also get more fiber (more on why this is important later), calcium, vitamins A and C, riboflavin, zinc and iron—and less fat and dietary cholesterol. Perhaps it’s because they often eat cereal, which is fortified with vitamins and minerals, and fruit, which is naturally nutrient-rich.
But that doesn’t mean you have to eat cereal to stay—or get—trim. Instead, mix-up your morning meal and try one—or a few—of these 5 breakfast foods that help you lose weight.

1. Raspberries
A cup of raspberries delivers a whopping 8 grams of fiber (that’s more than double what’s in a cup of strawberries and about the same amount in a cup of some types of beans). What’s so great about all that fiber? Recent research in the Journal of Nutrition suggests eating more fiber as a way to prevent weight gain or even encourage weight loss. Over the course of the two-year study, the researchers found that boosting fiber by 8 grams for every 1,000 calories resulted in about 4 ½ pounds of weight lost.

2. Oatmeal
Oatmeal can help you lose weight in two ways. First, it’s packed with fiber and it keeps you feeling fuller longer. Second, a recent study in the Journal of Nutrition reported that eating a breakfast made with “slow-release” carbohydrates—such as oatmeal or bran cereal—3 hours before you exercise may help you burn more fat. How? Eating “slow-release” carbohydrates doesn’t spike blood sugar as high as eating refined carbohydrates (think: white toast). In turn, insulin levels don’t spike as high. Because insulin plays a role in signaling your body to store fat, having lower blood sugar levels may help you burn fat.

3. Yogurt
A recent report, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, and out of Harvard revealed which foods are correlated with weight change, including the top 5 foods that promote weight loss. Yogurt was one of them! Another reason to eat yogurt: the protein in it may give you an extra edge if you’re looking to get leaner. When researchers fed two groups of mice a high-fat diet for 11 weeks, the mice that got water spiked with whey protein (a type of protein found naturally in yogurt and other dairy) packed on 42 percent less weight and nearly a third less body fat than the mice who just drank plain water, despite the fact that they ate roughly the same number of calories. The whey eaters also gained 7 percent more lean body mass (e.g., muscle mass). Save calories—and unnecessary sugar—by choosing plain yogurt. If you need a little extra sweetness, try fresh fruit (maybe raspberries?).

4. Peanut Butter
Nuts were also among the top 5 foods that Harvard researchers said promote weight loss. I love to slather a tablespoon or two of peanut butter onto whole-wheat toast (ahem, a “slow-release” carbohydrate), but you could also add nuts to your oatmeal (another “slow-release” carb). 

5. Eggs
Eggs deliver protein, which is great for dieters. Compared to carbohydrates and fat, protein keeps you satisfied longer. Plus, in one study, dieters who ate eggs for breakfast felt fuller longer and lost more than twice as much weight as those who got the same amount of calories from a bagel for breakfast. 
